Are you ready to generate leads without needing to post every single day on social media?

Are you ready to create a binge worthy podcast that tops the charts and builds your authority?

Producing podcasts for coaches that generate leads with their top charting show.

you might have listened to one of my clients

start your pod

Are you finally ready to launch the podcast you've been dreaming about for years? With my launch course, you learn everything that there is to creating and launching a chart topping podcast. Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to your podcast becoming a reality with my expert guidance.

podcast launch

learn more

Ready to level up your podcast game without the hassle? With my monthly editing services, you can focus solely on recording impactful content that connects deep with your audience while I take care of the rest. From audio & video editing to creating show notes and marketing assets, consider it all covered. Hit record, make an impact, and turn your listeners into leads, ready to take action.

podcast editing

coming soon

Ready to revitalize your podcast? I'll dissect your content, analyze your stats, and share with you actionable ways you can boost your podcasts visibility and generate leads to your business. 

podcast roast (audit)

My goal is to help you use podcasting as a tool to nurture your audience and generate leads for your coaching business.

How? By creating a binge worthy chart topping show that builds trust and authority.

So, why are you here? You've spent years building an audience and now you're busting out the moves to try and get their attention on Reels but you know deep down you want to connect deeper via the podcast you love recording. But it's not working the way you want.

And I get it, you don't have the time to create a podcast that has a chart topping strategy and you're up to 2am editing the same week it goes live. But that's why I'm here, I get to add the fuel to the fire, shine a light on you and your podcast and help others see the impact you create for your clients.

How I can help you...


"Lily makes it so all we have to do is show up and have fun creating our podcast. Before hiring her, we couldn’t even get our first episode edited. Life kept getting in the way! The way she keeps us on track, the resources she provides, and the insight she shares is invaluable. 
We couldn’t have made it to #1 in the charts without her!!"

demystify magic podcast

"Working with Hazell Studios to launch the Honest Business Podcast has been an absolute dream. This is a true management service where Lily takes responsibility for all elements of your podcast - in a true management style, meaning launching and maintaining a weekly podcast doesn’t eat into your precious time as a CEO. All you have to do is record and then sit back."


"Lily is an amazing producer. Prompt, helpful and high quality work. If I was stuck for ideas, she'd send some along. She kept me motivated and accountable - brilliant to work with. Working with Lily I have seen new leads coming from podcast, and charting in UK business. Having Lily by your side is essential!"


"What can I say? Lily has helped me fall in love with my podcast again. I get to do all the things I love, and she packages it up with a bow!
 Lily made it a no-brainer and kept it simple... which for a time-stretched business owner and mum to twins, is like gold."