Podcast editing for female coaches ready to generate leads and top the charts with their podcast.

It's time to pass your podcast over to a specialist who LOVES the tech, marketing and content. No more trying to figure out how to do it all by yourself. 

You've tried editing your podcast yourself but you are either missing weeks because you just couldn't get to it or you're staying up late to get it live in time.

You sit down to finally figure out how to grow your podcast, pull up your analytics reports and realize that you don't have any idea what's good to actually make decisions about your business.

You ask your virtual assistant to help you with your podcast but they're juggling everything else you need them to support you with that it doesn't get the love and attention it deserves.

You've tried to understand how to edit properly, how to create engaging clips and searchable assets but your podcast still isn't meeting your expectations, and figuring it out is always at the bottom of your to-do list.

I transform your raw footage into polished episodes. Whether it's cleaning up mistakes or improving overall quality, I've got you covered. Plus, I'll seamlessly integrate your intro/outro, music, and ads. Experience the difference with my comprehensive editing service!

audio editing

How I can support you...

I craft SEO-optimized titles and descriptions to boost  your podcasts visibility. I also manage episode scheduling to keep you on track, one less thing to think about.


Whether you're looking to reach new listeners via social media or looking to repurpose your episode into blog posts. I can support you with getting your podcast seen and making the most out of the time you spend recording.


I'll crunch the numbers, analyze trends, and provide comprehensive insights. A way for you to see how your podcast is doing, how you can generate leads and hit those top charts!

podcast statistics

Who is this for?

Who isn't this for?

  • You have a podcast and you're uploading whether that's consistently or whenever you get a chance.
  • You have a signature offer you'd like to direct listeners to, even better if you've got a funnel setup!
  • Most of the time it's you (and maybe a co-host) and you bring guests on here and there.
  • You want this podcast to work for you in the long haul.
  • You're looking to start a podcast (please checkout my other services).
  • You primarily have guests on your podcast.
  • Your goal isn't to generate leads to your business.
  • You aren't willing to change the way you're doing things.
  • You're looking for quick results.

Some of the podcasts I've helped top the charts!

Audio Podcast Editing

INVESTMENT: $500 per month

4 x 60 minute audio podcasts edited each month.

Audio editing includes removing mistakes, filler words and ensuring content flows. As well as any sound enhancing and removing of background noise.

Mixing in the intro, outro, show music and any ads.

Scheduling episode to podcast host platform.

(price is adjusted depending on how many episodes you release)

Audio Podcast Management

INVESTMENT: $850 per month

4 x 60 minute audio podcasts edited each month to the same level as the editing package.

Writing searchable episode descriptions and titles.

Scheduling episode to podcast host platform.

Creating 2 engaging short form social clips.

Writing an email newsletter per episode.

Uploading your episode player and description to your website as a blog.

(price is adjusted depending on how many episodes you release)

Video Podcast Management

INVESTMENT: $1500 per month

4 x 60 minute video podcasts edited each month - this includes removing mistakes, filler words and ensuring content flows. This doesn't include any captions/overlays.

Writing searchable episode descriptions and titles.

Creating 2 engaging short form social clips and 1 quote graphic per episode.

Writing an email newsletter per episode.

Uploading your episode player and description to your website as a blog.

Scheduling episode and assets to podcast host platform and YouTube.

(price is adjusted depending on how many episodes you release)


"Lily makes it so all we have to do is show up and have fun creating our podcast. Before hiring her, we couldn’t even get our first episode edited. Life kept getting in the way! The way she keeps us on track, the resources she provides, and the insight she shares is invaluable. 
We couldn’t have made it to #1 in the charts without her!!"

demystify magic podcast

"Working with Hazell Studios to launch the Honest Business Podcast has been an absolute dream. This is a true management service where Lily takes responsibility for all elements of your podcast - in a true management style, meaning launching and maintaining a weekly podcast doesn’t eat into your precious time as a CEO. All you have to do is record and then sit back."


"Lily is an amazing producer. Prompt, helpful and high quality work. If I was stuck for ideas, she'd send some along. She kept me motivated and accountable - brilliant to work with. Working with Lily I have seen new leads coming from podcast, and charting in UK business. Having Lily by your side is essential!"


"What can I say? Lily has helped me fall in love with my podcast again. I get to do all the things I love, and she packages it up with a bow!
 Lily made it a no-brainer and kept it simple... which for a time-stretched business owner and mum to twins, is like gold."